About Us

Welcome to Chuvadu

Established in the Year 2019 & have groomed 188 students over 5 years, we have now re-branded ourselves as Chuvadu in the Year 2024, with a mission to imprint a remarkable impression in the life of our preschoolers.

Our Motto

To imprint a strong & loving Chuvadu in grooming our kid's early childhood and in-turn, every child's footprint shall mark a prominent chuvadu in the journey of our preschool - Chuvadu (The Impression).


To firmly focus on the student-teacher relationship which strengthens the emotional intelligence in our children and to enable the neurodevelopmental pattern of activation & functional connectivity.


To constitute an organic environment for the children to thrive emotionally & proficiently in all aspects of their life, which eventually leads them to create a positive impact around them in the society.